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Home Personal Savings, CDs & IRAs

Savings, CDs & IRAs

Start saving money today with our competitive savings accounts.

Flexible savings options to maximize your money

Whether it's for a rainy day, a new vehicle or your retirement, our personal banking team can help you decide which solution is right for you.

Personal Savings Accounts     Certificates of Deposit (CDs)    Individual Retirement Accounts (IRAs)


Savings Account Comparison

Savings, CDs and IRAs
 Adult SavingsMinor Savings
Account benefits and features
  • Interest-bearing account
  • Manage this and other accounts from First eBanc and First eMobile
  • Six withdrawals or transfers from account per quarter
  • Interest-bearing account
  • Six withdrawals or transfers from account per quarter
  • Teach your child about saving money
Balance requirements and fees
  • Minimum to open: $100
  • Minimum balance to earn interest: $100
  • Minimum balance to avoid quarterly service fee: $500
  • Quarterly service fee: $3.00
  • $2 fee per withdrawal/transfer over the maximum of 6 withdrawals/transfers per quarter


  • Minimum to open: $10
  • Minimum balance to earn interest: $100
  • $2 fee per withdrawal/transfer over the maximum of 6 withdrawals/transfers per quarter

* Fees related to these accounts could reduce the earnings on the account.
* Regulation D Transaction Limitations: You may make only 6 transfers/withdrawals per statement cycle (not including those made by mail, in person, by telephone with a check mailed to you, messenger, ATM, or to repay loans with us). Please limit your online transfers to no more than 6 per month. Compliance with Regulation D does not allow the bank to keep the account open as a savings account upon repeated violations.


CDs and IRAs

A certificate of deposit or individual retirement account provides growth and security.

  • Terms range from 91 days up to 5 years for deposits ranging from $500 and up
  • Want to make a deposit of $100,000 or more? We can handle it! Just contact us for a custom quote.
  • We offer competitive rates

Stop by either of our offices in Peotone or Beecher today to open your CD or IRA!


Ready to open an account or receive our current rates?

Stop by or contact either of our offices in Beecher or Peotone. You can also send us an online message, and we'll get in touch with you soon after.

Solutions for all of your personal needs

Mobile Banking

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Early withdrawal penalty: If we consent to a request for a withdrawal that is otherwise not permitted you will have to pay a penalty. The penalty will be an amount equal to: seven days interest on the amount withdrawn if the withdrawal is made within the first six days after the deposit; 91 day term - 30 days interest; 182 day term - 90 days interest; 1 year and over - 180 days interest 
Minimum Balance Accounts: We reserve the right to treat any withdrawal which would reduce the balance remaining in the account below the required minimum initial deposit or minimum balance as a withdrawal of the entire account balance and calculate the amount of the penalty accordingly.  There are certain circumstances, such as death or incompetence of an owner, where we may waive or reduce this penalty. 
Additions to account: You may not make any deposits into your account until maturity. 
Renewal policy: Your account will automatically renew at maturity. You will have 10 days after the maturity date to withdraw funds without penalty. Your account will not renew if you withdraw the funds on the maturity date or if we receive written notice from you on or before the maturity date of your intention not to renew. 
Renewal terms: Each renewal term will be the same as the original term, beginning on the maturity date. The interest rate will be determined on the maturity date.