Stop the hassle of having to write checks, buy stamps and mail your bill payments manually. Set up payees in First ePay and make your payments from the comfort of your home. Many companies can send you e-bills, making it even easier to make your payments. With no invoices or checks to get stolen or lost in teh mail, it's the easiest and most secure way to pay.
The easiest and safest way to pay your bills.
Learn how with First ePay Tutorials.
Pay your billers in mobile
Learn how to pay billers in First eBanc Mobile.
View step-by-step instructions.
Pay your billers online
Learn how to pay billers in First eBanc desktop.
Click around at your own speed.
Paying bills on your smart phone is easy
It's powerful to know that you can pay bills using our First eBanc Mobile app. Set up billers on your phone, use your camera to take photos of your bill with camera capture and so much more. You are always connected when you are on the go. You can also set up electronic bills for most vendors and receive monthly billing statements electronically in your email.
With First ePay, you can:
Set up and edit payees on your phone • Bill Capture lets you use your camera to take a picture and pay a paper bill
Pay the contacts that are already set up on your phone • View pending payments, recent payments, e-bill reminders and more
Setup recurring payments like mortgage or car payments • Setup bill reminders so you won't miss a payment
Start paying bills using First ePay
View the screen shots below for step-by-step instructions to use First ePay.
• Tap "Transfer & Pay" on your First eBanc Mobile app home screen, capture and pay bills using your phone's camera when you tap "Pay with bill capture", and pay your billers when you tap "Pay my billers". You can even send money using Zelle.
Protecting your information and your identity is our highest priority. With the use of encryption, firewalls and trusted operating systems incorporated into our overall banking network, best efforts have been made to secure your transactions.
First 90 days of First ePay are free. First ePay is Free with First eChecking and First Community Club Checking when you pay 5 bills per month. $5 monthly fee for paying less than 5 bills per month. First Community, First Community Gold and First Community Student Checking - $5.00 per month, unlimited bills.
Need assistance with First ePay?
Call us in Beecher at (708) 946-2246 or in Peotone at (708) 258-0530 or send us an online message.